Create Multiple Projects

If you are doing final link checks for your customers, you might find it easier to generate one project per language inside SurveyTester. In such a scenario, you will probably receive an email describing multiple survey links and the used languages.

SurveyTester offers a wizard for generating multiple projects in a fast and efficient way:

Click the “+” button inside the Dashboards project list to open the New Project dialog.

Use the link “Create Multiple Projects” in the bottom left corner of the dialog to open the wizard.

You can start by selecting a project folder for your projects. The wizard will create a new folder inside the selected one and create all projects inside that folder. This way, you can keep your project folders clean.

Enter the project name, and if available, select a project template.

Finally, click on the “>>” button.

Paste the content of the email you received from your client, including the language information and the survey links.

We recommend removing unneeded information and names for privacy reasons.

Click the “>>” button to go to the next step.

While the email test is being analyzed by the AI component, you can view some basic information and a counter. Once the result is available (which typically takes a few seconds), the next screen will appear automatically.

The last step of this wizard shows you a preview of the found languages with their survey links. You can remove individual lines from the table and assign testers to each language. When you are happy with the settings, click on the “Create x projects) button.

After some seconds, you will see the generated projects in the Dashboard. From here, you can use the projects for the next steps.

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