The Issues form allows users to review all reported issues in a project. Secondary testers will want to check the issue list before they start testing to prevent reporting already known issues. Testers can also view reported issues on each page throughout the survey. This saves tremendous time and effort (if only because testers do not have to review dozens of e-mails).

Just select an item and click EDIT to review and alter any settings.

The issues table displays only some lines of the issue description entered by the tester. You can click on the description in the list of items on the Issues page to view the complete issue text in a popup. Move the mouse out of the popup to hide the expanded description box.

You can easily choose which columns you want to be displayed on this page by clicking the Column Chooser icon.

That will open a small window into which you can drag and drop the columns you would prefer not to have displayed in your Issues form.

Just drag a column header into that box to remove it from the Issues page.

This operation can easily be reversed to re-display those columns.

You can change the order in which the columns are displayed by clicking on a column header and dragging the column to the left or right.

In this example, we will move the STATUS column from the far right to the left of the form next to the PAGE column.

Clicking on the second row/item in the column header lets you filter the reported issues. In this example, we will filter on the PAGE field, selecting only issues reported on the INTRO page.

Clicking on the “funnel” shaped icon next to the column header name will allow you to filter responses based on multiple categories.

In this example, we will filter on issues classified as Spelling Errors and/or Randomize Responses.

A number in parenthesis next to the Project Issues column header is a count of the number of issues for which the Closed check box has not been checked. In this example, four issues have been reported, and one of the four has been “closed”; hence the number 3 appears in the Project Issues column header.

If colors have been assigned to classification fields, they will be shown on the Issues form.

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